I am of course not talking about anybody in particular here - imaginary or not -o*
What, dear - I should turn my halo off - it is blinding you?
Sure, baby *O*
Here is my imagination ...
Jumping on the back of any silly notion she comes across on her way through the world and wrestling
it into submission before she proudly drags it home *o*
Safely home with her 'prey' my imagination lays the new idea at my feet before she jumps
up on my lap to purr her next cute and silly little kitten tail - erm - tale -o*

Now my friend Shere Khan (borrowed from the honorable, famous - and late ... - Rudyard Kipling without as
much as a "By your leave, Sir?" -o* ... and changed into a nice tiger 'cause he was TIRED of being the bad guy - tshe
*O* - is of course a proud and mighty jungle warrior!
So the moment he saw my imaginary boyfriend he roared VERY loudly and jumped straight at the
poor wee sweetie ....
Also without as much as a "By your leave, Mr Sweets?" - tshee-hee-hee *O*

"What is that VERY big cat doing ..." my dear darling totally-fictional
Johnny asked.
Here is what Johnny saw - in slow motion even ...
AND definitely cluck!
"He-he-heeeeelp !!!" my poor little baby yelped and ran as
fast as he could. And jumping on to his good horsy´s back (that is; Daredevil - Gunpowder is way too laidback to assist
in that kind of silliness) they both went off into the sunset ...

"Really ... Humans sometimes !! Very SILLY humans especially !!!" grumbled an embarressed, but still mighty
(pussy)cat -o*
"I was just playing ferocious for roaring out very loud - no need to carry on like that,
I'm sure ... Really !!!"
---- --- ¤ --- ----
So now I stand - eh, sit -o* - here with a miffed, disappointed tiger on my hands - or something
like that ... *O* At least laying grumbling at my feet - CLEAN feet -O* ... his big head is even resting on my poor right
foot - he *o*
And minus a sweet cutie pie called Johnny most of the time ...
I am feeling rather lonely, to tell the truth ... -_-
... hi, why is that darn kittycat - erm - tiger purring so loudly?
Erm ... Sorry for shouting, folks *o*
And exsqueeze me, please!
I have some serious kissing and hugging to do -O* !!!!!
My little kitty again *o*
She is NOT a tiger even though she loves to pretend to be it at times - to try to impress her
darling Johnny mostly -O*