
Cook shop - page 10


I as usual am guilty of 'framing' Johnny ...


.. "accusing" him of being SWEET and CUTE and ADORABLE and - and - what, sweet Roux?

ROUX: The machine is working again so I'm heading for home, Chickiepoo *O*

Thank you very much, darling *o* *kisses and hugs Roux before sending him home *
Now I had an idea of Johnny stepping out of the background somehow and tried to make such a picture - like on this one --->
But wasn't quite satisfied so I made another ...



And you get both 'cause I'm a silly bird and can't decide which is best *o*
What do you think ...
Where as I do love this *o*
Maybe I should have such a wallpaper in my livingroom - be surrounded always by smiling cutie pies *O*
