GRINNING PUCK: Nope! I have never been much for folk songs - I am more to R'n'B
... The sweatier the better *O*
Does Master Shakespeare know about that,
Puck-kin? *looks with biiiiiiiiiig eyes at her friend and tries very hard to stay serious so as to better tease the archteaser
himself *
HALFWAY EMBARRASSED PUCK: Does Will know about - NEXT PIC !!! *O* !!!

Cluck I think we'll have a bon bon ...
A serious little lady - but then again the sparrow was a jailbird at the time -_-
Yummy though !!! But perhaps a sweet smile will make Bon Bo. - make the bon bon taste even
better -o*
PUCK: He is a lovely lady, yes! As are you albeit in another way, pet *o* *hugs
and kisses his delight hen friend * I would like though to see Bugs and Tim Burton again on their bench, please


SMILING TEASE: Thank you, my dear *o* Now I better go and tell Will about
me liking a bit of Zydeco and R'n'B and such before he reads it here on Miss M. Shakeapegleg's Cookshop Page -o*
... William Sha-sha-shakespe - Shakespeare reads my si-si-silliness ??? Wow ...
her little beak !!!!!!! *gives the bird one more friendly kiss on the cheek and hangs the next pic for the poor
dumbstruck birdie because he can be as helpful as his cousin Johnny *
JOHNNY JUST COMING BACK: What ??? ... I'm suppose to deliver packages for UPS - don't
you love me anymore, birdie !!! *o* ? *O* !!!
All I can, yes *o* *proves it making Puck giggle at her jumping into Johnny's willing arms
... and now we better turn the page -o*
