But it is ... You DO look cute pouting but I much prefer a big smile !!!
Yes *o* Like that one *O*
JOHNNY TRYING TO GET SERIOUS AGAIN: We better hang the pics, birdie!
Cluck, baby *o*

It's so wet and windy here today - the winter weather really doing its 'job' - that I am in serious
need of comfort food But since I'm - kinda - fat already I've decided only to lick the computer screen when ever a cute
picture of Johnny is on *o* Not that hygienic, I know - but almost garanteed fat-free, I've been told -O*
And since my mum taught me to share please sit down and dig in - a pirate bon bon, anyone?

Have a piece of eyecandy too, my dears *O*
Perhaps the lovely Freddy Abberline in his tub -o*

Hi - don't tear sweet little Sam to pieces just 'cause you love 'im !!! I've solemnly promised
Joon he'll get back to her in one piece later after our sweetie has helped me with the dishes we soil now while munching on
'treats' *o*
BLUSHING SAM HIDING BEHIND JOHNNY: Really - hens !!! I mean ... Girls !!!
*o* !!! But actually - Lefty was by a bit earlier with a dish washer for you Shall I plug it in for you?
Hmmm - let's let Jo - erm - Freddy have his say while I think about that ...

NOT SO BRAVE EITHER JOHNNY: Maybe we better turn a page too - he *o*
Tshee-hee *o* Poor little baby - want me to find that bar of soap for you, hon' *O*
But yes, let's move on *o*