Now knowing Lefty that machine probably fell off the back of a truck so I might end up arrested
and thrown in the chicken slammer for years for having it ... One more pic while I think? Sure, my dears *o*

... then again - what's the worse that could happen? Cute Donnie come here and handcuff - wingcuff?
- me ... Or even cuter young Tommy and Doug come and - and - cluck would really LOVE
that *O* A-hmmm - I'm silly, Sam? Why, of course I am -o*
LAUGHING EDITOR: That's her job, Sammy *o* Being silly, I mean *O* Tshee-hee-hee
Silly boy *o* NEXT pic !!!

Oh - O.K. Jackie-kin ...
Hi, Nessie - will you get back to Loch Ness, girlie! You're a fan of Jack too - yeah, who isn't -o* Even
this guy - in the pic below, I mean - like his 'creation' although he might not trust our good captain Jack longer than one
can throw a chicken *O*

You'll d-d-demonstrate now how fa-far that is, Ja-jack ...
SAM GREATLY DARING: Behave yourself, pirate! ... besides - you love our Chickiepoo
here and don't have the heart to throw her anywhere *o*
EMBARRASSED PIRATE: What is it one cluck? NEXT picture !!!

Yes, dear *O*
Our little sweet, cute superstar and a Photoshop-phony star *O*
EMBARRASSED JOHNNY TO HIS FRIENDS: Yeah - and as if that wasn't embarrassing enoug then she
got really - I mean; REALLY silly and added text ...
JACK: Easy, boy - maybe we better turn the page before he have to look at that
again, Meepsie?
Certainly, Jack *o*