Ready, Johnny? For the awful truth about you
I mean about Johnny De-he-he-hepp *O*
SMILING, BUT STILL A BIT BLUSHING JOHNNY: Up on the wall with it, honeybeak
!!! *o* !!!
JACK: Brave man *O*
SAM: Weeeeell ... It's Meepsie - so how awful can it be - she loves Johnny,
after all?

There you go *O*
My SUPERSWEET boy !!! *o* !!! *hugs a beaming and still slightly blushing fictional fella
while their friends laugh *
DELIGHTED ROMANTIC SAM: There - see what I said *o*
HEAD SHAKING AND LAUGHING PIRATE: Yeah, you're right *o* And I think you'll live,
Johnny -O*
HAS TO !!!
But after those bright colours I think we need to rest our eyes on ...

There - isn't he just the cutest !!! *o* !!!
JOHNNY: Don't answer that ! One shouldn't encourage small naughty chickens after all -o*
GRINNING JACK: Nope *o* But - how about that dishwasher of Lefty's, Chicksia - just
cluck the word and we will get it working in no time!
Sure, sweetie - I'll after all only get arrested in my imagination and can just imagine myself free
again *o* ... but now you do your part of the work, Jackie-boy!
So our sweet Sam - and partly Johnny too - are too sweet and let you get away with just standing
around and looking pretty. And will get trouble with their backs or anything later on! *waves a wing
feather in front of a grinning and bit embarrassed pirate *

SAM: Tshee-hee *O* She does know you, Jack !!! *O* !!!
JACK SPARROW: Cluck, Ma'am - erm - yes, luv *o*
Yes, honey *o* Know and love you *O* So OFF you go, boys and see what you can do while I go on cooking
... but I better get my silly little supermodel off the stove before he burns his little tail feathers
*O* You don't have tail - of course you have, boy! You're my very sweet little roster after all *o*

But you don't have to look so serious, sweetie ...
We do love you - tail feathers and all *O*
Like here where you were a bit nervous and I gave you a little Photoshop toy to play with *o*
BLUSHING, BUT SMILING GUY: How old od you think I am *o* ? NO! Don't answer that and
my face will get even redder ... Next page, please *O*
Cluck, baby *o*