GIGGLING MS BON BON: O.K. little pet - if you'll present me for the old hen I will *O*
... and hang the picture without the text too *o* ... where the hammer though?
In your back pocket *o*
SATISFIED EDITOR: There we go, sweetie *o* As pink as can be *O* ... you're
sure though he - I doesn't need fourty winks or such?
Maybe *o*
But not to get any more beautiful *kisses her delighted beauty *
Even though Millie Goat won't date Jack she too admits to him being charming and sweet -o*


BROADLY SMILING JOHNNY: You're awful *O* Did you know that, little baby birdie
*o* ?
Cluckbe *O*
Something about the pretty pirate tickles my funnybone, it seems - then again I love him too *o*
And on the next picture the earl of Rochester is trying to paint the pirate's portrait *O*
SURPRISED JOHNNY: What ever for ???
That there beauty again, I guess -o* Even in Jack's get-up you just have to smile and everybody
melts *O*
Although I think earl Johnny somewhat wish he had chosen another subject - perhaps a bowl of fruit
