HALFWAY SERIOUS AND HALFWAY TEASING HEN-DADDY: It can't be quite healthy for a little hen to
go around melting all the time ... And we have to make sure to bring a good bucket - NO holes in that bucket, thank
you! And perhaps a mop or - or am I gross -o*
VERY !!!!!
... but if you want to go around with a bucket and a mo-ho-ho-hop *O*
JOHNNY: NEXT picture, Miss Silly'n'sweetfeathers *O*

O.K. - I see what you mean about his Lordship should have chosen a bowl of fruit as
his subject *o* Jack - like the real life Johnny Depp - and me - don't like being bored ... Tshee-hee *O* If
Rochester isn't careful Jack will run off with both girl and rum *o*
Yes, he might *O*
Which is why I use a PHOTO for the next picture !!!
That way the spoilt little cute nuisance are standing still already *O*
THE SEVERELY TICKLING JOHNNY: I'm a spoilt nuisance, you little - and I am not cute or little,
you bad wee birdie you *O* *kisses and hugs the 'bad birdie' too*
Ye-he-he-hes, you are, Johnny *O*
But here's Willy at an 'art' show *o* He LOVES Valentine's Day - he's selling chocolate left, right
and center after all *O*


Actually - we better buy some from him too!
We have no more lollipops since you gave the last away to Emmy and Ginger yesterday when you were
babysitting !!!
SMILING BABYSITTER IN CHIEF: Yes - well - that is what candy is for *o* Spoiling sweet
people *O*