So while I don't think you should rob a florist you could go rob Willy - or Roux's lady friend
- GENTLY of some delicious chocolate *O* ... that will make me even fatter - but I can live with that, I guess -o*
HEN-FATHER JOHNNY: I do hope you can live with that ... 'cause I have NOT allowed
you to die !!! I have made a special arrangement with Death (Terry Pratchett's version of Death -o* ) that
he's NOT to fetch you for his hen house before you are very, VERY old - and - and then he has to bring me
But he visits all the time ...
SMILING AND BLUSHING JOHNNY: That's different - a long as he's not here on business I
love to have him over *O*
How did we get to clucking about love to death by the way? From
Mumsy - I mean from Aphrodite to Hades so to speak *O*
SHY BOY: Yes, well - when you love some one you sometimes worry that they kinda might die and
leave me - one alone .....
... but - O.K. !!!
I promise to demand from uncle Hades that if he comes to get me - but no, it would be your Dad Hermes
and he would take you with him - with us as a matter of course *o*


HAPPY JOHNNY: You think so ... Yes, he would *o* Then again - Persephone is not so
keen on you - after you clucked she's spoilt *O* So maybe it will be Death who fetches us when the time comes
critters afraid of scaring off the 'punters' with all this clucking about dead - whether it be my cousin or me come to
collect your feathers *o* ?
CLUCK !!! ... really - couldn't you say something then you walked through the - yes, yes, you were
leaning on the door frame so not through the door yet *O*
SMILING HERMES COMING IN AND SITTING DOWN: Yes, I should have said something *o* You
just looked so cute sitting there with your heads together and - yes, you are cute, little Johnny! Grandie says so -o* So
shut up and enjoy it *O*
BLUSHING, BUT HAPPY CUTIE: Oh, do be quiet, Dada *o* ... yeah, she does, doesn't she
- he *o* Very serious pirate here?
He had been framed again - "accused" of being cute and sweet and the Danes' favorite choise of Valentine
according to one mag. so - tshee-hee-hee *O*


HERMES AGAIN: What was that ball of lighning I saw streaking pass me when I drove
up to the house a moment again?
LAUGHING JOHNNY: Al Capone getting out of Dodge - Chicago *O* Dillinger has enlisted
the help of the archpirate - look ... *points to card above* and THAT was too much for old Alphonse
- forget-about-it *O*
Yes, sweetie *o*
I'll publish this and then we will go to Mumsy Valentine's Day party right away and forget about
all mupster and mobster *O*
Oh, you're of course invited too, dear visitor - the more the merrier, so just come along now *o*