Oh, yes, you spoil 'em all right *O*
Little Ginger - I mean Henry Jones the fourth -o* - treatened his granddad the other day by claiming
he would move over to you here in our house if he didn't get a toffee or two right away *O*
BLUSHING JOHNNY: Ehm - could you please look at Meepsie's art while I call and apologize, dear
visitor? Apologize for Ginger too, me thinks ... He's not old enough at the tender age of three to handle the Jones'
boys -o*
Tshee-hee *O*
Poor wee Johnny - he's always getting himself into scrapes like that *O*
Last year at Valentine's Day we had an irate grandmother here demanding to know why her little Charlotte
hadn't got a card like Johnny's other little fans - ehm, the other little children in the neighborhood *o*
... so my Johnny went out and got two cards - send one for Charlotte with a big apology
and hand delivered the other to Grandma Lily *O*
... you better not say anything bad about Johnny in front of Mrs Lily Barchester now -o*
This ain't art, of course *o* |

But Johnny is SWEET *O* |

On the other wing young Will Turner here is cheeky !!!
What is wrong with clucking, I just cluck - eh - ask -O*
And yes, my poor little pirate is pennyless as usual ... But he's a treasure in and of himself so
I guess we'll get by even at Saint Valentine's Day *O*
SMILING JOHNNY: There *o* Our little Ginger should be safe now *o* But
what has the next picture got to do with the V-day, pray tell ???
Ehm - nothing much, I guess ... The flower is pink - can that help?
SMILING EDITOR: Perhaps *o* Let's keep it there, sweetie - maybe the dear visitors
hopefully passing by here can use it as an antidote to all the super-romantic pink stuff we have already put up here
Cluck, baby *o*
